Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Hi All,
Someone asked me if we might have to throw all of our stored wheat away, and start over due to the stem rust epidemic.
I phoned the Bishop's Storehouse in DC and was told this:
"If there is a problem with any of our foods, we are notified by headquarters and we remove the items from the shelves." We have received to date, NO notifications from SLC regarding any problems whatsoever with the wheat that anyone has purchased from our warehouse."
I then asked, "as far back as 2007?" and I was told, that as far back as forever, if there were to have been a problem with anything it would not have been available for purchase. They wouldn't have had it in the building.
So, rest assured that anything that you have stored in your home from the Bishop's Storehouse came to you as good, edible food.
I strongly suggest using oxy absorbers for both buckets and cans, and those mylar liners inside you buckets for all storage (except no oxy absorbers for sugar cuz it clumps into a brick and one #10 size sugar cube doesn't fit into many recipes.)
It's always better to err on the side of safety.
Also, Please Please, if you haven't already done so, let me know if you are going to attend the Couponing Class. So far I have 5 responses. I have to let this dear woman know how many are going to be there so she can make up her hand-outs. I know that summer is a busy time. There is much going on in all of our lives. I just need to know if you'll be there. That's all.
Happy Wednesday!
:o) Robbie

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Brother Struntz has made a new site to help keep us all keep informed about our Scouts.  Go to http://hedgesvilleldstroop164.webs.com/.  There will be a permanent link on the side bar, that has this picture.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Cross Walk helps bring Easter alive

April 23, 2011

By Jenni Vincent - Journal Staff Writer , journal-news.net

MARTINSBURG - Lives were touched Friday thanks to a longstanding local tradition that seeks to help bring Easter to the people.

While this year's Good Friday Cross Walk seemingly got off on a damp note when a couple dozen folks gathered at Trinity United Methodist Church on West Martin Street, it wasn't long before others joined in the winding journey downtown in spite of the cool, rainy weather.

Before the walk concluded in front of The Journal, the ranks had swelled to about 50 participants. Many of them continued to Trinity Episcopal Church for the community Good Friday Service, which began at noon.

Sponsored by the Berkeley County Ministerial Association, the annual event - which started in the 1970s - was new to many folks who encountered it this year.

Michaek Derricote, who was leaving the Martinsburg library with his young daughter Abigail, did a double take when he saw the approaching processional.

"I've never seen this before and I think it is amazing. I like the fact that there are so many people participating. It helps make you think about Easter," Derricote said.

Casey Smith and Kyler Braunberger, Utah residents who are working locally with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, were equally enthusiastic when they accidentally encountered the event just as it was getting started Friday morning.

Gesturing toward the cross that was being used in the walk, Smith said they were walking past the church and noticed it.

"We wondered why they had the big cross out, so we figured we would talk to the folks and see what was going on - especially since this is Easter Sunday," he said.

"I really wanted to touch the cross because it looks so heavy, especially since they said they were going to carry it through town," Smith said.

It is an appropriate, visual reminder of Christ's experience, he added.

"But I'm pretty sure His was much heavier than that one. ... If you think about it, He walked a long way and suffered a lot for us, so it is really cool that they would re-enact it," Smith said.

Trinity United Methodist member Richard Southerland, who helped set up for the event and first greeted the two Utah visitors, smiled as he recalled the many cross walks he's participated in over the years.

"I guess it's been about 12 years for me. ... It's important because of the season of the year, because Christ died for us and He rose again that we might have eternal life," Southerland said.

Spreading the word is an important part of the walk, he said, smiling at fellow church member Cory Vance.

Vance, a fourth-grader, said he helped Southerland carry the cross last year.

"It was exciting and it made me feel good," Vance said.

The Rev. Charles Henry of Berkeley Place Friendship Church, who spoke at a brief stop in front of the library, had a special reason for celebrating since he was accompanied by his wife Shirley and daughter Sheila Owens.

His 5-year-old granddaughter, Elizabeth Owens, also walked with him and helped carry the cross from behind.

"I liked help Pap Pap carry the cross. First I was nervous but then it was fun because it wasn't heavy," she said.

"Easter is important because Jesus died on the cross for us," Owens said.

- Staff writer Jenni Vincent can be reached at 304-263-8931, ext. 138, or jvincent@journal-news.net

© Copyright 2011 journal-news.net. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011


The Young Women now have a new updated blog.  Their link is on our  side bar of our blog. or you can go to http://hedgesvilleyoungwomen.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hello Ladies!

It's a new month! YAY! :) February is the month of LOVE, so let's share our love with the sisters we visit teach (corny huh?...and totally mormon) :)

There have been many changes this month for some people, and no changes for others. So make sure you still have your slip from Sunday. :) I'm sorry I couldn't print it out like Chelsea used to. I played with the computer for a good 30 minutes trying to figure out what she did, but I couldn't get it. If you have lost your slip, let me know and I'll give you your information again. Some of you I was not able to get with on Sunday, so I will email you your changes then look for you on Sunday again to give you a hard copy.

If you have any questions, please let me know!


Friday, February 4, 2011



Surprise your sweetheart with a request of "Your Song" to be played at the dance. Let us know if you have it in MP3 form, if not we'll see if we can find someone who does:) Email Rebekah Gruel ASAP (Make sure you check the lyrics and they meet church standards...all songs are subject to approval before being added to the play-list:)

Email or give them to Rebekah Gruel to include your photo and/or photos in a fun Valentines "Guess Who" event.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


All Berkeley County Schools will be closed on Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011. Evening activities and programs are canceled as well.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sweetheart Dance

February 11th, 7pm at the Hedgesville/MillCreek building.

~Combined activity with the MillCreek and Hedgesville wards.

~Lasagna potluck dinner, sign up to bring one!

~Semi-formal dress

~Great music

~Couples portraits will be taken!

Talk to a member of the Relief Society Presidency for more information.

Budgeting Classes

A three-part series taught by
Sister Annette Fishel. A down to earth, real-life approach to getting and keeping your finances in order.
Please attend all or as many of the classes as you possibly can. They will be held at the Hedgesville/MillCreek building and are open to all members.
Childcare available, call Sister Brenda Wrye at 304-261-5736 to confirm number of children.
Class #1 January 27th at 7pm
Class #2 February 3rd at 7pm
Class #3 February 10th at 7pm