Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Remember to pause the music player to watch this video.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Hello Primary parents and Primary teachers!

Please make note of these dates on your calendars:

Tuesday, September 14, 7 pm at the Stake Center (chapel); Primary Presentation Dress Rehearsal

Sunday, September 19, during Sacrament meeting, Primary Presentation (BTW, this would be a great presentation to invite friends and neighbors to)

Parents, for the Dress Rehearsal you may drop your children off and leave them in our care for about an hour or so. However, please remind them we will be meeting in the chapel and they will be expected to behave accordingly. We will be serving ice cream sundaes after the rehearsal, just in time for them to go home and get in bed. ;-)

Primary teachers, see the note to parents above. We'll need you there!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Amy Troop

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Testimony of the Book of Mormon

Don't forget to pause the music player to watch this video.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I've been trying to gather information about the candidates and thought I'd share what I've found. The statement below is from one of the candidates and explains why this Senate race is so important.

"The [candiate] who wins the U.S Senate general election on November 2, 2010 is going to be in a unique position. The other Congressional winners will take office in January 2011. However, because of Senator Robert C. Byrd's death, the newly elected U.S. Senator will be sworn in the next day, November 3, 2010. This means that they will begin serving on the first day of the "lame duck" session."

Here are some useful links with general info about all candidates:

Here's what I found for each of the candidates.

Joe Manchin III http://www.joemanchinwv.com/home
Ken Hechler ??
Sheirl Fletcher ??

John Raese http://www.raeseforsenate.org/
Mac Warner http://macwarnerforsenate.com/
Kenneth Culp http://www.wvsenate2010.com/
Harry Bruner http://www.harrybruner.com/
Daniel Rebich https://www.danielrebichforsenate.com/Home_Page.php
Lynette McQuain http://www.mcquainforhouse.com/
Scott Williams http://web.me.com/scotthwilliams/Site/Welcome.html
Thomas Ressler ??
Albert Howard http://alberthoward.org/default.aspx
Charles Railey ??

Mountain Party
Jesse Johnson http://www.jessejohnson.org/

Early voting has already started but the actual Primary election is August 28. Don't forget!

Amy Troop

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


To Pasteurize Raw Eggs

To avoid the risk of illness, use fresh, whole, grade A or AA eggs. If the egg smells strange or if it's discolored, then throw it away.

Place the eggs in a pot with cold water. Put the water on medium heat, watch as the temperature rises. You don’t want the temperature of the water to be higher than 150 degrees. If you want to be exact, you can keep a thermometer probe in the water, if not 140-150 degrees is the stage before bubbles start to form. When you reach this temperature, try to keep it. So lower the heat, watch so the temperature doesn’t rise, then keep the eggs in the water for about 3-5 minutes.

The only part of the egg that needs to reach 140 to 150 degrees for 3-5 minute is the outside shell because that is the only source of possible salmonella.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010


These are the time slots we have left (first come first served). If we fill these we will reach our goal. Please help out by signing up or spreading the word. If these times don't work out for you please let me know when it would be convenient. If we have enough extra people the Red Cross will provide more nurses to accommodate our numbers.

Thank you!!

11:30 am
12:30 pm
12:45 pm
1:15 pm
1:30 pm

Amy Troop

(H) 304-821-1311

(C) 540-931-6206


Stake Relief Society Temple Trip
August 21, 2010

All Relief Society sisters and their husbands in the Martinsburg WV Stake are invited to attend the Stake Relief Society temple trip.

All those attending the temple, will get ready for an endowment session before meeting in the Temple Chapel at 1:00pm. A member of the Temple Presidency will address us. We will then proceed directly to the endowment session beginning at 1:30pm. Sisters who don’t wish to participate in the temple can attend the uplifting programs available at the Visitor’s Center. In an effort to maintain reverence in the temple, if using family file names, please distribute them prior to entering the temple.

After the endowment sessions (about 3:30pm), the Stake Relief Society will provide a light sack lunch in the Temple cafeteria.

Please plan on attending this wonderful and spiritual event. If you have any questions, contact your Relief Society President, Bishop, or Sister Bonnie Lewis, Stake Relief Society President.

RSVP to your Relief Society Presidency by August 15th.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light

   Please remember to pause the music player to watch this video.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010



I was contacted on Sunday and asked if there are any sisters that would need to make some extra money this week for school. A member of our ward is in need of some help this week if interested contact me by noon tomorrow.

Just a reminder that tomorrow at 10:00AM or this Thur. there will be a class at the church the class is one that will help us make meal time better, and making a stronger connection with your family.It will help us all as we head back to school.

One more thing this Sat. will be the RS turn to clean the Chapel. We need 10 families to come. All are welcome to come and participate. When we bring our children to help clean they will show more respect when at church.

I hope to see you at church this week.
Sister Brenda Wrye

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Our Bishop has extended a challenge to our Ward.  The challenge is to gather our families everyday for the month of August for family scripture study and family prayer.  If we do these things our lives will be blessed and our trials we be easier.  Please share this challenge with the sisters you visit teach.


Please call this number to order your tickets.


Saturday August 21

The High Priest Group has offered to arrange a monthly temple trip for anyone interested. If you would like to attend:

-Arrive at the church building at 8:00am for departure.

-If you want/need to eat before the session, bring something to eat in the car. For the return trip, bring something to eat in the car or plan for a drive through meal at a fast food restaurant.