Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Dearest Sisters,

It has come time for us to ask you to submit your testimonies concerning this years Literacy Challenge. The challenge was based on: 1)Praying twice a day, 2) Reading scriptures daily (Old Testament), 3)Making a point to smile more often. You were encouraged to journal your testimony and experiences as you worked to complete these goals. We now ask you to prepare your testimonies of this challenge. The testimonies will be submitted to President Grow at the end of this year. Please email these to Sister Suzette Palmer @ or send to 44 Blossom View Ct., Shepherdstown, W.V., 25443. Please have these submitted to Sister Palmer by December 19, 2010. We thank you for your efforts and faithfulness and pray this has been a year that has heled strengthen your testimonies and your homes.

President Bonnie Lewis1st Counselor
Barbara Taylor
2nd Counselor Chantel Menendez
Secretary Suzette Palmer

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Thanks to all the Sisters that have made donations of fabric.  And we also want to thank all of our wonderful Sisters for their loving act of service, sewing our Christmas Stockings.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Morning Session

Afternoon Session

Friday, October 1, 2010


Saturday October 9th

The High Priest Group has offered to arrange a monthly temple trip for anyone interested. If you would like to attend:

-Arrive at the church building at 8:00am for departure.

-If you want/need to eat before the session, bring something to eat in the car. For the return trip, bring something to eat in the car or plan for a drive through meal at a fast food restaurant.


Dear Parents of Activity Day Girls,

Both Juli and I will be out of town on Tuesday the 5th of October. We regret that we have to cancel Activity Day Girls activities for that evening.

If your daughter has successfuly completed 14 days of book of Mormon reading she has a prize to pick from the prize box. Please let her know that if she completes another 14 days of reading by the next time we meet, she will be picking 2 prizes on the same night. (she can record the reading on the back of the bookmark she is completing now, or even on a sheet of paper.) The next time we'll meet is the third Tuesday in October, which is the 19th.

Again, there will be no Activity Day Girls activities this next Tuesday.

Have a great General Conference weekend!

Robbie Marquez