Monday, December 20, 2010

Change for Sunday Meeting Time and Place

Sunday, January 2nd, 2011 will be the first week for the Hedgesville Ward to meet at a new time, 1pm, and a new location, the Chapel in Martinsburg on Lovelace Way (near War Memorial Park).

Please contact a member of the Relief Society Presidency if you need directions.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

Ward Christmas Party

Ward Christmas Party December 11th
6pm for those who want to go Christmas Caroling
7pm for Refreshments and Party
Hope to see you there!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Saturday December 11th

The High Priest Group has offered to arrange a monthly temple trip for anyone interested. If you would like to attend:

-Arrive at the church building at 8:00am for departure.

-If you want/need to eat before the session, bring something to eat in the car. For the return trip, bring something to eat in the car or plan for a drive through meal at a fast food restaurant.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010


Saturday November 20th

The High Priest Group has offered to arrange a monthly temple trip for anyone interested. If you would like to attend:

-Arrive at the church building at 8:00am for departure.

-If you want/need to eat before the session, bring something to eat in the car. For the return trip, bring something to eat in the car or plan for a drive through meal at a fast food restaurant.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Dearest Sisters,

It has come time for us to ask you to submit your testimonies concerning this years Literacy Challenge. The challenge was based on: 1)Praying twice a day, 2) Reading scriptures daily (Old Testament), 3)Making a point to smile more often. You were encouraged to journal your testimony and experiences as you worked to complete these goals. We now ask you to prepare your testimonies of this challenge. The testimonies will be submitted to President Grow at the end of this year. Please email these to Sister Suzette Palmer @ or send to 44 Blossom View Ct., Shepherdstown, W.V., 25443. Please have these submitted to Sister Palmer by December 19, 2010. We thank you for your efforts and faithfulness and pray this has been a year that has heled strengthen your testimonies and your homes.

President Bonnie Lewis1st Counselor
Barbara Taylor
2nd Counselor Chantel Menendez
Secretary Suzette Palmer

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Thanks to all the Sisters that have made donations of fabric.  And we also want to thank all of our wonderful Sisters for their loving act of service, sewing our Christmas Stockings.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Morning Session

Afternoon Session

Friday, October 1, 2010


Saturday October 9th

The High Priest Group has offered to arrange a monthly temple trip for anyone interested. If you would like to attend:

-Arrive at the church building at 8:00am for departure.

-If you want/need to eat before the session, bring something to eat in the car. For the return trip, bring something to eat in the car or plan for a drive through meal at a fast food restaurant.


Dear Parents of Activity Day Girls,

Both Juli and I will be out of town on Tuesday the 5th of October. We regret that we have to cancel Activity Day Girls activities for that evening.

If your daughter has successfuly completed 14 days of book of Mormon reading she has a prize to pick from the prize box. Please let her know that if she completes another 14 days of reading by the next time we meet, she will be picking 2 prizes on the same night. (she can record the reading on the back of the bookmark she is completing now, or even on a sheet of paper.) The next time we'll meet is the third Tuesday in October, which is the 19th.

Again, there will be no Activity Day Girls activities this next Tuesday.

Have a great General Conference weekend!

Robbie Marquez

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Don't forget to pause the music player to watch this video.


The Church provides several General Conference activities ( to help children enjoy and learn more from listening to general conference.

A General Conference Notebook for children to write or draw about conference. The notebook is available in Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish through the respective language materials pages (,5241,61,00.html).

Conference Squares, consisting of 7 cards that encourage children to listen carefully, and when a speaker talks about one of the topics on the card, cover that square.

A conference coloring page.

Prophets and Apostles online matching game.

Latter-day Prophets online matching game.

We invite you to download and share these materials with others.

You may also be interested in, which is offering free access to their Kids Club during general conference weekend:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Don't forget to pause the music player to watch this video.


Don't forget to pause the music player to watch this video.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Thank you to all that came on the 28th, We had fun and made many stockings. We will post pictures later. Brenda Wrye


Dear Sisters,

I've been impressed with the fact that though, food storage is something we should all be involved in doing in our homes, Provident Living is much much more than storing food.

I heard a sister from our ward mention that "No amount food storage will help us through a crisis if we are not spiritually prepared". Being spiritually prepared is the foundation for which we will be able to meet any situation in our lives.

What we first want to ask ourselves is, What are we striving for? Our long-term goal is for our families to achieve the glory of the Celestial kingdom. Our Relief Society President, Brenda Wrye, has stated that "We are preparing for the second coming of Christ".

Living day to day, it's possible to get off the path. There is so much coming at us. So many schedules to keep, lessons to plan, a need to fulfill for a neighbor, that science project one of our children need help with. The list is seemingly endless.

So why provident living? Sewing the button on the shirt as soon as it fell off keeps a crisis from occurring when it's time to put it on and get out the door. The same goes for spending our money wisely, and for having food on hand. We are keeping a crisis from occurring. Crisis causes confusion and confusion is not of the Lord.

The loss of a job isn't the crisis. The crisis comes when we no longer have the necessities when the money starts to run out.

We all want nice things. The Lord knows this. Check out Matthew chapter 6:31-33 and also 3 NEPHI 13:31-33. I find it really cool that this was spoken almost verbatim to the people of the eastern hemisphere and to the people of the western hemisphere. I can almost guarantee that he gave the same exact words to the people he visited after he left the Nephites. He knows us.

When I first read these scriptures I was a teenager and not a member of the church. I thought that we didn't need to give any care or planning to our temporal needs -that if we prayed all day we would find these things. After I joined the church and learned of, and began to live the commandments, I read these scriptures again and began to understand them.

When we live the commandments we are blessed.. We know that we are commanded to live providently. So why do we store food? Having food storage is a commandment.

As Provident Living Specialist, I first want to invite all of us to carve out a time in everyday to read the scriptures, pray. and keep our journals up to date. I have found that If I make these things a priority, somehow all the important things get done.

If you have need of knowing where to begin with food storage, please call on me. I would love to work with you to help you get started. I had to begin as a newbee to the concept. It was daunting before I got started and I was grateful for the help I received.. I'm grateful to help too.

We have the dry-pack canner in our ward in November. I have attached a storehouse order form. I will be going to the Storehouse the last week of October. You can fill the form out on your computer and the numbers tally up for you. After you've filled it out, please print out the form and hand it off to me at church with your check for the total amount made payable to me.

I need to have your forms and money by October 24th. That's a Sunday. If you are mailing it to me, please mail it by the Friday the 22nd.

Looking at the form, please order bulk foods. On the from that's the column entitled "Bulk". And then order the number of cans, lids, and oxygen absorbers you will need using the information in the column that reads, "No. 10 Can Packaged by Customer". Cans fill by volume and bulk foods are sold by weight. That means that you need more cans for that big 25 pound sack of oatmeal as opposed to fewer cans for that smaller sack of black beans. Remember that you won't be ordering from the first column. You are using that column to get the information needed to determine how many cans, lids, and oxygen absorbers you will need for the bulk product you are buying. You will order the cans, lids, and oxygen absorbers at the bottom of the form.

If you have questions about the form or are totally confused by my instructions, please feel free to contact me.

Robbie Marquez
Hedgesville Ward

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Parents of Scouts,
Please remember that this Saturday the Boy Scouts are going to Dulles Airport to direct parking traffic during the Metro Airport Police Special Olympics fundraising event.

We will meet at the Stake Center at 8:45 AM to drive to Dulles.
The event goes from 11:00 to 4:00
We should be back around 5:30 PM

Lunch will be provided, but bring some money for snacks and games at the fundraiser.

Please be there as they are counting on us for traffic control.

Wear Class A uniform.

Brother Struntz

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Visit the Church's new, upgraded website at The media-rich site emphasizes the teachings of living prophets and apostles, provides easy access to scriptures, and offers new tools for online gospel study.


Don't forget to pause the music player to watch this video.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The general Relief Society meeting will be held on Saturday, September 25, at 8pm. Speakers will include a member of the First Presidency, as well as the members of the Relief Society general presidency.,6220,285,00.html
Video Streams - NEW Media Player
Watch the live Internet broadcast on the media player. The Adobe Flash Player will be required to view the broadcast.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Bronze Exhibit: “The Healing Power of Jesus Christ”

Washington D.C. Temple Visitors' Center

10:00 AM - 9:00 PM Thursday, 1 July 2010 - Sunday, 31 October 2010

Our Savior’s capacity to heal both body and spirit is stunningly portrayed in this series of bronze sculptures. Through Jesus Christ, hope, repentance, and faith are met with tender love and divine power sufficient to cleanse any sin or heal the bruised, broken or suffering soul.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Brothers and Sisters,

Bro. Neil Dumont passed away late Sunday evening in the Intensive Care Unit of City Hospital. Preliminary plans are being made for a memorial service to be held on Saturday morning at 11 AM in the stake center. Please share this information with others that may not be on the mail list and continue to keep the Dumont family in your prayers.

Bishop Fishel

Everyone loved Neill Dumont's easy going style. Always with a smile on his face and warm hand shake, he was happy to help out with whatever you asked.

A native Washingtonian, Neill was the son of Neill Winthrop and Rhea Werner Dumont. He was raised in the Catholic Church and attended Catholic schools. He graduated from Central High School where he was a member of the Central Cadets.

A Veteran of World War II, Neill received five medals. He was drafted into the Army at age 18. At that time the Army was made up mainly of draftees who had no idea what they were getting into. Here is a quote from " The Documentary " “November, 1944 - General George Patton assigns the brave soldiers of the United States’ 95th Infantry Division an impossible objective: liberate the legendary fortified stronghold of Metz, France from Nazi occupation. Against heavy resistance and steep odds, the 95th succeeds with their task, claiming a key Allied Victory. War correspondents nicknamed them “Bravest of the Brave” and The German defenders gave them another name that the Division carries proudly: "The Iron Men of Metz."

After his honorable discharge from the Army, Neill continued his friendship with Mel Farr, a member of the Washington Chapel in Washington, D.C. Mel was his great teacher along with others as he studied to learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He became a member in 1950.

Neill married Joan Reid raising three children in Kensington, Maryland, before divorcing in 1966. He married Jane Rice in 1969 and in spite of being out numbered by step children in their teenage years, he dutifully took on the role of step father to Jane's four children.

Neill eventually retired from the Lumber business and enjoyed his gardening

and time spent on fun projects around the house and with church.

During his adult life, he enjoyed a variety of activities such as singing in the Montgomery Counts Barbershop Chorus, being a longtime and faithful member of The Mormon Choir of Washington DC, and serving as a Temple Worker at the Washington D.C. Temple. He also served in three Bishoprics for the Kensington and Rockville Wards.

Neill and Jane sold their home of almost 50 years in Kensington, and moved to the eastern panhandle of West Virginia in 2005 - to a home all on one level, perfect for them. They celebrated 41 years of marriage in August this year, 2010.

The last five years Neill was very ill and spent most of his time either in bed or at home reading the scriptures. Yet despite his excruciating pain, never complaining. he use use his walker to go out to his front porch every day and put the American flag up, and go out again and take it down.

After a lengthy and complicated illness, Neill passed away September 2010.

He is survived by his loving wife, Jane Rice Dumont, his three children, Neill Dumont, III, Jim and his wife Patricia DuMont and Artie Sue Dumont step-daughters April and her husband Steve Cline and Rebecca Measell. He also leaves behind 13 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren, his sister, Dot and her husband Bob Rosenberry and many nieces and nephews.

Neill was preceded in death by two sisters, Anita Wolf and Jean Robinson; two step-sons, Robert "Bricky" Measell and David Measell; and a grandson, Daniel Page, son of April Cline.


NOTE written by Becky Measell to Neill on Father’s Day in 2005:

To Neill - Every day is Father’s Day with you around. I appreciate you, Neill, and all you continue to do for me. I’m so grateful to my Heavenly Father that Mom chose you to spend eternity with, ‘cause you have helped me a lot.

This week with my Dad (Reynolds Measell) being sick , I felt I could work and know someone was helping him You are an example for the Priesthood. You are right there with a father’s touch to help me feel better.

Just wanted you to know. I couldn’t wait til Father’s Day. You are a father who should be honored every day for your good deeds.

Love from one of your daughters who loves you eternally. Becky


NOTE from Jane:

My husband, Neill Dumont, is a perfect example of this advice given by President Gordon B. Hinckley: "Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine."

--Gordon B. Hinckley, "The Spirit of Optimism", New Era July 2001,.



Remember to pause the music player to watch this video.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Saturday September 18th

The High Priest Group has offered to arrange a monthly temple trip for anyone interested. If you would like to attend:

-Arrive at the church building at 8:00am for departure.

-If you want/need to eat before the session, bring something to eat in the car. For the return trip, bring something to eat in the car or plan for a drive through meal at a fast food restaurant.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Remember to pause the music player to watch this video.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Hello Primary parents and Primary teachers!

Please make note of these dates on your calendars:

Tuesday, September 14, 7 pm at the Stake Center (chapel); Primary Presentation Dress Rehearsal

Sunday, September 19, during Sacrament meeting, Primary Presentation (BTW, this would be a great presentation to invite friends and neighbors to)

Parents, for the Dress Rehearsal you may drop your children off and leave them in our care for about an hour or so. However, please remind them we will be meeting in the chapel and they will be expected to behave accordingly. We will be serving ice cream sundaes after the rehearsal, just in time for them to go home and get in bed. ;-)

Primary teachers, see the note to parents above. We'll need you there!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Amy Troop

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Testimony of the Book of Mormon

Don't forget to pause the music player to watch this video.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I've been trying to gather information about the candidates and thought I'd share what I've found. The statement below is from one of the candidates and explains why this Senate race is so important.

"The [candiate] who wins the U.S Senate general election on November 2, 2010 is going to be in a unique position. The other Congressional winners will take office in January 2011. However, because of Senator Robert C. Byrd's death, the newly elected U.S. Senator will be sworn in the next day, November 3, 2010. This means that they will begin serving on the first day of the "lame duck" session."

Here are some useful links with general info about all candidates:

Here's what I found for each of the candidates.

Joe Manchin III
Ken Hechler ??
Sheirl Fletcher ??

John Raese
Mac Warner
Kenneth Culp
Harry Bruner
Daniel Rebich
Lynette McQuain
Scott Williams
Thomas Ressler ??
Albert Howard
Charles Railey ??

Mountain Party
Jesse Johnson

Early voting has already started but the actual Primary election is August 28. Don't forget!

Amy Troop

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


To Pasteurize Raw Eggs

To avoid the risk of illness, use fresh, whole, grade A or AA eggs. If the egg smells strange or if it's discolored, then throw it away.

Place the eggs in a pot with cold water. Put the water on medium heat, watch as the temperature rises. You don’t want the temperature of the water to be higher than 150 degrees. If you want to be exact, you can keep a thermometer probe in the water, if not 140-150 degrees is the stage before bubbles start to form. When you reach this temperature, try to keep it. So lower the heat, watch so the temperature doesn’t rise, then keep the eggs in the water for about 3-5 minutes.

The only part of the egg that needs to reach 140 to 150 degrees for 3-5 minute is the outside shell because that is the only source of possible salmonella.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010


These are the time slots we have left (first come first served). If we fill these we will reach our goal. Please help out by signing up or spreading the word. If these times don't work out for you please let me know when it would be convenient. If we have enough extra people the Red Cross will provide more nurses to accommodate our numbers.

Thank you!!

11:30 am
12:30 pm
12:45 pm
1:15 pm
1:30 pm

Amy Troop

(H) 304-821-1311

(C) 540-931-6206


Stake Relief Society Temple Trip
August 21, 2010

All Relief Society sisters and their husbands in the Martinsburg WV Stake are invited to attend the Stake Relief Society temple trip.

All those attending the temple, will get ready for an endowment session before meeting in the Temple Chapel at 1:00pm. A member of the Temple Presidency will address us. We will then proceed directly to the endowment session beginning at 1:30pm. Sisters who don’t wish to participate in the temple can attend the uplifting programs available at the Visitor’s Center. In an effort to maintain reverence in the temple, if using family file names, please distribute them prior to entering the temple.

After the endowment sessions (about 3:30pm), the Stake Relief Society will provide a light sack lunch in the Temple cafeteria.

Please plan on attending this wonderful and spiritual event. If you have any questions, contact your Relief Society President, Bishop, or Sister Bonnie Lewis, Stake Relief Society President.

RSVP to your Relief Society Presidency by August 15th.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light

   Please remember to pause the music player to watch this video.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010



I was contacted on Sunday and asked if there are any sisters that would need to make some extra money this week for school. A member of our ward is in need of some help this week if interested contact me by noon tomorrow.

Just a reminder that tomorrow at 10:00AM or this Thur. there will be a class at the church the class is one that will help us make meal time better, and making a stronger connection with your family.It will help us all as we head back to school.

One more thing this Sat. will be the RS turn to clean the Chapel. We need 10 families to come. All are welcome to come and participate. When we bring our children to help clean they will show more respect when at church.

I hope to see you at church this week.
Sister Brenda Wrye

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Our Bishop has extended a challenge to our Ward.  The challenge is to gather our families everyday for the month of August for family scripture study and family prayer.  If we do these things our lives will be blessed and our trials we be easier.  Please share this challenge with the sisters you visit teach.


Please call this number to order your tickets.


Saturday August 21

The High Priest Group has offered to arrange a monthly temple trip for anyone interested. If you would like to attend:

-Arrive at the church building at 8:00am for departure.

-If you want/need to eat before the session, bring something to eat in the car. For the return trip, bring something to eat in the car or plan for a drive through meal at a fast food restaurant.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Any questions please call Sister Amy Troop

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Our True Identity

Do not forget to pause the music player to watch this video.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Come Celebrate With the Hedgesville Ward at the

PIONEER DAY CAMPOUT - July 23rd & 24th
(Friday night - Saturday morning)
Location: Poor House Farm Park

Bring a picnic dinner & we'll provide drinks, entertainment, and dessert!

Friday night
6:00 - 6:45 Arrive, eat & greet
6:45 - 7:30 Service project at the Park (work gloves suggested) (Organized by YW)
7:30 - 8:30 Activities for children & families (Organized by Primary)
8:30 - Dessert Time with marshmallow roasting & ice-cream making (Bonfire by YM)

Saturday morning
7:00 - 7:30 Pioneer Morning Devotional
7:30 - 8:00 Continental Breakfast (provided)
8:00 - Pack up & head home . . . with lots of happy memories

We'll see you there!

Any questions, please contact Nanette Nyce (754-5657) or Margaret Duff (754-9483) from the Activities Committee or Amy Troop (821-1311) from the Primary.

Suggested List for Campers (those brave, hardy souls :)

1. Tent
2. Sleeping Bags
3. Pillows
4. Sleeping Mats / Cots / Mattress
5. Sleeping clothes & Saturday clothes
6. Flashlights (park power goes out at 10pm)
7. Toiletries
8. Bug Spray

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010


Stake Relief Society Temple Trip

August 21, 2010

All Relief Society sisters and their husbands in the Martinsburg WV Stake are invited to attend the Stake Relief Society temple trip.

All those attending the temple, will get ready for an endowment session before meeting in the Temple Chapel at 1:00pm. A member of the Temple Presidency will address us. We will then proceed directly to the endowment session beginning at 1:30pm. Sisters who don’t wish to participate in the temple can attend the uplifting programs available at the Visitor’s Center. In an effort to maintain reverence in the temple, if using family file names, please distribute them prior to entering the temple.

After the endowment sessions (about 3:30pm), the Stake Relief Society will provide a light sack lunch in the Temple cafeteria.

Please plan on attending this wonderful and spiritual event. If you have any questions, contact your Relief Society President, Bishop, or Sister Bonnie Lewis, Stake Relief Society President.

RSVP to your Relief Society Presidency by August 15th.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


This sign up sheet will be in Relief Society.