Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Dear Sisters,

Since we will have the dry-pack canner in our ward during the month of March, you might be interested in canning some dry foods.

The most current storehouse order form is attached.
Here is how it works:

When filling out the form, you will be ordering bulk foods. Therefore you will be purchasing from that 4th "Bulk" column on the form. Then you will look at the 2nd column, "#10 can packaged by customer", to determine how many cans you will need for the products you are ordering from that 4th column. For instance, a 25 pound sack of wheat (both the red wheat and the white wheat have the same volume and weight) weighs 5.8 pounds per can, so you will divide 25 pounds by 5.8 pounds to equal the number of cans you will need for that sack of wheat. In the case of that sack of wheat you will need 4.31 cans. Since you can't buy a third of a can I am leaving it to you to decide to buy 5 cans for the wheat or 4 and put the remaining amount in something to keep in your pantry for current use. My personal canning experience has required I buy that 5th can. Please remember that you are buying the bulk foods by weight and filling the cans by volume, so you are going to want to follow that 2nd column to determine how many cans you will need for each product you buy.

The next thing you will fill out on the form is the area in the lower right hand corner, entitled, "Bulk Packaging Materials." This is where you will enter the total number of cans and metal lids for sealing, and for the oxygen absorbers. You will need one oxygen absorber per can. Every can needs a metal lid. If you want a "Box for #10 Cans" (one box holds 6 #10 cans), or a "#10 plastic lid for Dry Pack Can" (this is in case you want to turn that can into a canister after you have opened it), I will be glad to pick those up for you. These last 2 items are not essential items for canning, but they might be something you want as a personal preference.

If you have the need for just cans, metal lids, and the oxygen packets, please follow the same instructions as above. You will need an oxygen absorber for each of your cans. (The only product that should not have an oxygen absorber when canned is granulated sugar.) I'll be picking up the cans at the same time I am there to get the ordered bulk foods.

Next, total up the $$ amount of your order (no tax), and print out the form. Write your check out, payable to me, then mail your order form and check to me, Robbie Marquez, at 1085 Crushed Apple Drive, Martinsburg, WV 25403. You may also hand your form and your check to me at church this next Sunday. (I am in the RS room the 2nd and 3rd hours.) You can also drop it off at my house.

I have to have your order and money by Wednesday, the 3rd of March.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to pick up orders for which I do not have money. If you find that you are really stretching things to order food storage items this month, no worries. We will do this again. I'm currently working to determine what the need is so I can plan trips to the storehouse. And, as always, you are personally free to go to the storehouse on your own. If you would like further information about the storehouse and their hours, etc., please phone, or email me. The storehouse is a user friendly place to be. Juliana, who usually answers the phone, and helps me when I am at the storehouse, is one of the nicest people you will ever meet.

I am planning to go to the Storehouse on Thursday the 4th of March. I will let you know via email when the canner is set up at my house and ready to be used. You may then email or phone me 304-267-5969 , to schedule when you would like to come over and can your foods. Your foods and/or cans will be at my house eagerly awaiting your arrival.

Also, regarding the Family Home Storage Order Form: I suggest that you do not save a blank copy to your computer for future use. The prices change periodically. Instead, go to LDS.org when you want to check prices or place an order. On the LDS.org homepage, go to "Home and Family" and in the drop-down box to the right, click on "Family Home Storage." When you are on that page, you will find the title, "Home Storage Order Form" in a column on the lower right. Click on that and the form will come up.

It's a pleasure to be the Provident Living go-to person for Hedgesville Ward, so please email me if you have any questions or suggestions.

Robbie Marquez

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