Thursday, April 1, 2010


Being Anxiously Engaged in the Gospel

Doctrine & Covenants 58:27 says, “Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;” Many of us may feel that merely coming to church on Sundays is enough. We aren’t living a life out of sync with the commandments but are we really LIVING the gospel?

In a recent General Conference talk, Elder Zeballos quoted Doctrine & Covenants 14:7, which says, “And, if you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God.” He then asked, “Should not this promise be the greatest incentive to do the best within our reach and give the best of ourselves in pursuit of what has been promised to us?”

I thought about this and made a list of 10 things that will help us to be or stay anxiously engaged in the gospel.

1. Get or keep a current temple recommend. Use it as often as possible. There is no more peaceful place on earth.

2. Attend the temple regularly or prepare to receive your own temple ordinances. The Lord has specific blessings and responsibilities in store for you. Fix things in your life so that you can attend the temple.

3. Come prepared to Sunday meetings by reading the lessons. Rework your daily routine if necessary so you are able to study the lessons during the week.

4. STUDY your scriptures and PRAY PRAY PRAY! That has been the one thing that has most impacted my personal scripture study. I can’t say enough about how much studying and loving the scriptures has changed me and brought me closer to the Lord. I always see ways to liken the scriptures to myself.

5. Read and re-read your Patriarchal Blessing, or GET your Patriarchal Blessing. Our Patriarchal Blessing is specific and personal. We are named in it personally. It is our personal Liahona and as such it guides us as we are obedient.

6. Stretch yourself. Don’t be afraid to learn new things or try things a new way. When we diet, we may reach a plateau and we need to change things up; use new muscles or try different foods. Same thing with our testimonies. If you find yourself at a spiritual plateau, something needs to change.

7. Pay an honest tithe and generous fast offering. This may take a huge leap of faith but you will ultimately find that your needs will be met when you pay a full tithe. Read the promise in Malachi 3: 10-11.

8. Pray for your RS sisters and specifically for the sisters you visit teach. When you take the focus off of yourself and your problems and are “anxiously engaged” in someone else’s, something happens to your heart. It expands and your problems shrink or your back will be strengthened to bear them more easily.

9. Do your visiting teaching and allow your visiting teachers to serve you. Even if you feel like it’s a waste of your time and you’re not accomplishing anything, you’re wrong. If you feel that you don’t have time, make time. It doesn’t take long to call someone or send a letter. That’s visiting teaching.

10. Smile! We all have problems. We all struggle with something. When we realize that our trials are all part of The Plan and stop asking why, and just accept, we become stronger. It takes great faith to believe that the Lord has our best interest at heart. Smiling tells the Lord that you trust Him.

Amy Troop

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