Tuesday, August 24, 2010


To Pasteurize Raw Eggs

To avoid the risk of illness, use fresh, whole, grade A or AA eggs. If the egg smells strange or if it's discolored, then throw it away.

Place the eggs in a pot with cold water. Put the water on medium heat, watch as the temperature rises. You don’t want the temperature of the water to be higher than 150 degrees. If you want to be exact, you can keep a thermometer probe in the water, if not 140-150 degrees is the stage before bubbles start to form. When you reach this temperature, try to keep it. So lower the heat, watch so the temperature doesn’t rise, then keep the eggs in the water for about 3-5 minutes.

The only part of the egg that needs to reach 140 to 150 degrees for 3-5 minute is the outside shell because that is the only source of possible salmonella.

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